Daca ma urmariti pe Instagram stiti deja ca de cateva zile bune sunt fericita posesoare a unei dragalase perii Tangle Teezer!
If you follow me on Instagram you already know that for a few good days I am the proud owner of a cute Tangle Teezer brush !
Sageco Concept este un magazin online ce comercializeaza extensii par natural. De asemenea, incepand din anul 2012 este unicul reprezentant oficial in Romania al brand-ului Tangle Teezer, iar din anul 2013 si-a adaugat in portofoliu, tot ca si unic reprezentant in Romania brand-ul Herra Hair Perfume.
Sunt sigura ca si despre cel din urma produs ati citit pe blogurile romanesti, insa azi vom vorbi aici despre singura perie de par pe care o mai folosesc: Tangle Teezer.
Sageco Concept is an online store that sells natural hair extensions. Also, since 2012 is the only official representative in Romania of brand Tangle Teezer, and in 2013 has added to its portfolio, the brand Herra Hair Perfume.
I'm sure you've read about the last product on many Romanian blogs, but today we'll talk here about the only hairbrush that I still use: Tangle Teezer.
Sageco Concept is an online store that sells natural hair extensions. Also, since 2012 is the only official representative in Romania of brand Tangle Teezer, and in 2013 has added to its portfolio, the brand Herra Hair Perfume.
I'm sure you've read about the last product on many Romanian blogs, but today we'll talk here about the only hairbrush that I still use: Tangle Teezer.
Va puteti alege dragalasenia dintr-o paleta larga de culori , insa mie mi-a atras atrentia cea orange.
Aceasta perie este special conceputa pentru a putea fi tinuta in mana de oricare femeie, are un design al perilor foarte interesant,acestia fiind de dimensiuni diferite,flexibili , deloc rigizi , pieptanatul devenind o adevarata placere.
Trebuie sa recunosc ca i-am gasit si o alta intrebuintare ; se pricepe de minune la masajul capilar, ma relaxeaza complet. ;)).
You can choose this loveliness of a wide range of colors, but for me, the orange one caught my eye.
This brush is specially designed to be held in the hand of any woman, has a very interesting bristles design , which are different sizes, flexible, not rigid and comb becomes a real pleasure.
I must admit that I also found another use, is great at scalp massage ,it relaxes me completely. ;)).
You can choose this loveliness of a wide range of colors, but for me, the orange one caught my eye.
This brush is specially designed to be held in the hand of any woman, has a very interesting bristles design , which are different sizes, flexible, not rigid and comb becomes a real pleasure.
I must admit that I also found another use, is great at scalp massage ,it relaxes me completely. ;)).
Folosesc peria Tangle Teezer atat pe parul ud, dupa baie, cat si pe parul uscat . In cea din urma situatie peria a fost supusa la testul suprem. Pentru ca am parul lung ,in special in prioadele reci, cand port haine cu guler, parul de la spate se transforma intr-un veritabil cuib de randunele.
Descurcarea lui este aproape imposibila si am fost de multe ori tentata sa "tai raul de la radacina".
Cu Tangle insa, lucrurile s-au schimbat. Parul este pieptanat cu delicatete, iar parul incalcit a devenit doar un vis urat.
I use Tangle Teezer brush both on wet hair after bathing, and dry hair. In the last situation the brush was put to the ultimate test. Because I have long hair, especially in cold weather , when I wear clothes with collar, back hair turns into a veritable nest of swallows.
Untangle is near impossible and I was often tempted to "cut the evil root."
With Tangle, however, things have changed. The hair is gently combed and tangled hair became just a bad dream.
Untangle is near impossible and I was often tempted to "cut the evil root."
With Tangle, however, things have changed. The hair is gently combed and tangled hair became just a bad dream.
I hope you will not face this problem, but if you find yourself in the same situation as mine, I invite you to try the Tangle Teezer.
Price: 50lei
Have you tried the brush? Do you like it? What other hair products do you use?
Price: 50lei
Have you tried the brush? Do you like it? What other hair products do you use?
Sper ca voi nu va confruntati cu aceasta problema, insa daca va gasiti in aceeasi situatie cu a mea, va invit sa incercati Tangle Teezer.
Ati incercat peria ? Va place? Ce alte produse pentru par folositi?
eu in general nu prea ma pieptan, am parut destul de ondulat si ii stric forma:)
RăspundețiȘtergeredar mi-ar placea sa incerc aceasta perie daca as avea ocazia
te pup!
Inteleg, am multe prietene cu parul ondulat sau cret care isi piaptana parul doar cu piaptane cu dintii foarte rari si doar dupa baie din acelasi considerent! Te pup!
ȘtergereCand aveam parul lung intotdeauna cand il spalam faceam un mare nod in crestetul capului care era mega super enervant, nici cu balsam nu reuseam sa-l descurc, acum ca am parul mau scurt am scapat oarecum de problema asta. Vreau sa-l las din nou sa creasca asa ca am incerc si eu peria cat de curand :*
RăspundețiȘtergereeu fac la ceafa, mereu, mai ales cand port esarfa sau haine care au guler. este un chin;)) par nepieptanata de secole:D:*
RăspundețiȘtergereEu cred ca o am de un an si e preferata mea :) n-am mai renuntat la ea
RăspundețiȘtergereEste si preferata mea, o mica minune pentru parul incalcit!:)